Trajectories in landscapes of sequence, structure and assembly of proteins


Research goals

We combine computational and experimental methods to understand the structure, interactions and evolution of proteins. ​ A fundamental goal is to encode our understanding of proteins into computational and experimental methods that enables the design self-assembling protein systems. We also want to understand the process of self-assembly by inferring self-assembly pathways from simulated protein structures and time-resolved experimental data.


Protein design

We develop computational methods to design self-assembling proteins and conformational switches. Methods are based on structure-based approaches guided by energy functions and machine learning approaches.


Structure prediction

We develop methods to predict the structure of protein complexes, in particular large symmetrical asssemblies.


High-throughput protein characterization

We develop experimental methods to characterize protein variants at large scale, characterizing the effect of synonymous and non-synonymous substitutions on stability and expression.


Protein Evolution

We develop methods to simulate protein evolution using protein structure.


Protein self-assembly mechanism

We study the kinetic mechanism behind protein self-assembly with experimental methods and simulations.


Support from

 European Research Council
Novo Nordisk Foundation
Swedish Research Concil
